ESTEY ORGAN SCHOOL, Vinz. Micko. A 58 page collection of sacred music, songs and choruses, and instrumental music for Estey organs. Indicated stop registrations can be easily adapted for most American reed organs. Originally published circa 1876 by Henry Litolff’s Verlag, Braunschweig, Germany, this spiral bound English version was reprinted in 2009 by Charles A. Robison. $15.00 (includes shipping and handling)

VOX JUBILANTE – Victorian Sounds on Estey Organs. A CD of Victorian secular and sacred songs performed on Estey reed and pipe organs. $17.50 (includes shipping & handling)

ESTEY ORGAN WORKS poster. The 13”x19” poster depicts the Estey Organ Company ca. 1880. $7.00 (includes a shipping tube, shipping & handling)

MANUFACTURING THE MUSE. Estey Organs & Consumer Culture in Victorian America, Dennis G. Waring. A comprehensive story of the reed organ in America and of Jacob Estey, the New England entrepreneur whose company helped shape Victorian popular culture. CD included. Softcover.

MANUFACTURING THE MUSE. Estey Organs & Consumer Culture in Victorian America, Dennis G. Waring. A comprehensive story of the reed organ in America and of Jacob Estey, the New England entrepreneur whose company helped shape Victorian popular culture. CD included. Hardcover